Gen XBRL Software for Validation and Preparation Sheets

Gen XBRL Software is an excellent tool for professionals like Company Secretaries and Chartered Accountants who struggle with the time-consuming preparation and e-filing of balance sheets and profit & loss accounts using the latest XBRL format. This software simplifies complex tasks, enabling you to easily create XML files for both Accounting Standards and Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS), as well as standalone and consolidated financial statements.

The software is up-to-date, user-friendly, and fully compliant with MCA Business Rules and Taxonomy. It also supports seamless XML import/export, company-wide backup and restoration, and direct XML validation from other software, including PDF generation. By following our simple steps, you can effortlessly overcome XBRL-related challenges.

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Gen XBRL Software
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Flat 50% Discount | Unlimited Filing | Trusted by 50K Clients | Good Support | Guaranteed Lowest Price | Serving Industry Since 1999

Advanced Features That Set Us Apart

SAG InfoTech's XBRL is a boon for professionals dealing with preparation & e filling of balance sheet, profit & loss A/c in XBRL format as per Accounting Standards (AS) and Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS) taxonomy & validation tool of MCA "In just simple 4 steps. The steps including the conversion in simplified four steps are as follows:


Step 1:

Feeding the whole financial data with all relevant Notes and Disclosures in Gen-XBRL utility, available for download with Latest Revised Schedule-III Taxonomy (AS and IND AS).


Step 2:

Converting the XBRL data from our utility into XML file format by our two Products "Gen-Comp Law" & "Gen-XBRL" Software tool with professional(s) assistance.


Step 3:

Validating the data through MCA tool.


Step 4:

An Instant document containing Balance Sheet and Statement of Profit and Loss Account will be generated and ready for e-filing.

"A unique solution for e-filing that helps in creating XBRL sheets, Validating and beyond..." XBRL is a data-rich dialect of XML (Extensible Markup Language), the universally preferred language for transmitting information via the Internet. It was developed specifically to communicate information between businesses and other users of financial information, such as analysts, investors and regulators. XBRL provides a common, electronic format for business reporting. It does not change what is being reported. It only changes how it is reported. XBRL is a world-wide standard, developed by an international, non-profit-making consortium- XBRL International Inc. (XII). XII is made up of hundreds of members, including government agencies, accounting firms, software companies, large and small corporations, academics and business reporting experts. XII has agreed with the basic specifications which define how XBRL works.

XBRL in MCA:- It has been decided by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, India to mandate certain class of companies to file Balance Sheets and Statement of Profit and Loss AS taxonomy and IND AS taxonomy respectively with effect from F.Y. 2010-11 and F.Y. 2016-17 onwards by using XBRL Taxonomy.

The following classes of companies have to file the Financial Statements (AS Taxonomy) in XBRL e-forms only W.E.F. the F.Y. 2010-2011 onwards:

  • Allow Users to create Map Financial Data for Current as well as Previous Year very quickly in XBRL Filing software itself.
  • Non-Financial Data which includes Notes to Accounts etc. can be easily mapped with this software.
  • Footnotes can be easily Added or Edited in the Software.
  • The Software also allows you to fetch Previous Year Data, wherever needed.
  • It has very effective Validations features Inbuilt that can Prevent Errors very effectively.
  • Quick Spotting of Errors in Verification List Ahead of Validation with XBRL Instance Document can be easily generated.
  • XBRL Instance Document can be also validated using MCA Validation Tool from the XBRL Software itself.
  • Gen XBRL also provides the facility to Back up & Restore the Data for Real-time Updates

Video Demo Tutorial

Gen XBRL Software Demo English
Gen XBRL Software Demo Hindi

How is Gen XBRL Better from Alternatives?

Error free Filing

Get Error-free Filing

The SAG XBRL software brings error-free filing for all the clients with the best features within the software such as utility, compulsory list of validation and filing accuracy to save the final report from issues.

Easy User Interface

Easy-to-Use Interface

One can easily navigate through the XBRL features by just feeding the last year's annual report details as per XBRL tags. Also, the tagging feature gives fact tags and block features for text that are available in the document.

Cost Eligibility with XBRL

Cost Eligibility with XBRL

The SAG infotech XBRL filing software does input the cost audit reports as well as compliance reports to XBRL format in a quick and efficient way that brings clarity to the overall report.

Why Do Experts Consider Using Gen XBRL?

Demo Installation

Demo Installation

Complete Guide

Economical Price

Economical Price

INR 10,000*

As per Latest

As per Latest


Trusted & Secured

Trusted & Secured

By Thousands Of Clients

Trial Version for

Trial Version for

5 Working Hours

After Support

After Support


Gen XBRL Software
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FAQS of Gen XBRL Filing Software

Mentioned are the steps for the execution of the XBRL in company law software:

  • Step:1 Saving the financial information including all the specific notes and the disclosures in the XBRL software.
  • Step:2 Transforming the information to XML file format by practicing the Gen XBRL or Gen Complaw software through the support from our experienced people.
  • Step:3 Validation, pre-scrutinizing, and PDF generation just one tap.
  • Step:4 Generation of the credentials which consist of the balance sheet along with the profit and loss account, Make the filing XBRL e-forms AOC-4 XBRL, 23AC-XBRL, and 23ACA-XBRL according to the case.

XML instance document upon the grounds of the accounting standard and Indian accounting standard taxonomy. The software helps in developing XML towards the cost audit. This software gets updated with time as per the revised taxonomy. Along with the standalone and consolidated financial report building through the XML instance document, the cost audit report can also be implemented. Through software, it is easy to import and export the data via XML File of the financial statements and the cost audit report. It has an inbuilt tool for verifying the MCA for effective and immediate verification.

With the help of the software one-tap verification, pre scrutiny, and PDF Creation from XML Instance documents can be done. Through software one taps back up and the option for restoring the data for the specific company. It tags the data, it provides the footnotes. Helps in converting the data to HTML format. It practices the Direct Validation of Already Prepared XML File.

Yes, The software is simple to use, the trial time for the software use is 5 hours. The software is used to support the whole financial information with all the related notes. It verifies the information via the MCA tool. It generates the document which consists of the balance sheet and profit-loss statement account.

Balance sheet and Profit & Loss A/C will be filed automatically post filing notes after tapping on the auto-fill option while there is the option of manually filing too.

Gen XBRL poses effective things and is essential to choose for its marvelous performance such as it is cheap as its cost is Rs 10000, the software provides a complete guide on the demo installation process. The trial version is just for 5 working hours, the company's sales team is also engaged in providing the after-supports services. The software is built on the latest taxonomy. The software is recognized by various customers and for the same software, the company has a strong customer base over the same software.

Yes, the Gen XBRL is available as an updated solution as per the MCA taxonomy.